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Subtotal: $204.60

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Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)


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Manufacturer - Eminence Labs

Release form - 10 ampoules, 250 mg/ml

Active ingredient - Testosterone Enanthate

EnaPrime is a powerful anabolic steroid manufactured by Eminence Labs. The main active ingredient in it is Testosterone Enanthate. It has been used since the 50’s. It has been widely used in medicine for the treatment of certain types of cancer in women, as well as for the treatment of delays in physical development in adolescents. However, this steroid is best known in the field of sports and training.

Features of the substance and the effect

The difference from simple Testosterone is the presence of a long side chain. Due to this, the substance has a long period of activity. The half-life is about a week. In this case, the effect of Enanthate lasts about 15 days. Traces of the substance on doping control can be detected within 4 months after termination.

Testosterone Enanthate has a great anabolic and androgenic effect. Because of this, even world-class athletes use it. The substance is easy enough to acquire.

The main positive properties of the active ingredient and the drug are:

  • Increased muscle growth.
  • Increasing the parameters of endurance and strength.
  • Increased libido and sexual activity.
  • Improving the general tone of the body.

Ways to use Testosterone Enanthate

Eminence Labs produces the drug in injections. Thanks to this, the harmful effects on the liver are reduced. Due to the continued activity, the injections do not need to be given frequently. Therefore, there are no bumps on the body from frequent injections. The tool is characterized by a rapid onset of the effect, which appears after the first injection.

The weekly dosage is selected individually for each athlete. It depends on age and fitness level. Also from the state of health and sensitivity to certain components. Beginners are advised to take 250 mg per week. At this dose, the likely negative effects on the body will be minimal. Older athletes with experience in the use of sports pharmacology increase the dose to 1000 mg.

If the course of Testosterone Enanthate in duration can be up to 8-10 weeks.

Possible side effects

EnaPrime is developed on the basis of Testosterone Enanthate. Like any anabolic steroid, it can have its own side effects. Most often, the cause of their manifestation is an overdose and excess of the duration of the course of the drug. Another reason for the manifestation of side effects may be individual intolerance, or the presence of any diseases. Before using the steroid, you must consult a sports doctor.

Due to the tendency of the drug to aromatize and increase female hormones in the body, such negative reactions can be observed:

  • Gynecomastia;
  • Accumulation of excess fluid in the body;
  • Swelling of certain parts of the body.

To neutralize such an effect, antiestrogens should be added to the steroid course.

Exceeding the dosage and duration of the course of the drug may cause an increase in the content of testosterone in the body. In this case, the following negative effects are observed:

  • Acne on the face, back or shoulders;
  • Hair loss or abnormal hair growth;
  • The skin becomes greasy.

You can prevent and correct this situation with the help of hormonal balance restoration courses. Typically, PCT is used for this.

Combination with other drugs

Testosterone Enanthate can be effectively used in conjunction with other steroids. To increase the efficiency of drying, Winstrol or Anavar is added to the course. If you need to gain muscle mass, Methandienone, Nandrolone or Trenbolone are added to the course.

Testosterone Enanthate reviews

Most of the reviews on the drug from athletes are positive. They note the long-term effect of the substance along with its simple and convenient application. The drug from Eminence Labs shows great efficiency in gaining mass and pumping strength and endurance, which has a positive effect on regular and preparatory workouts.

You can buy steroids such as Testosterone Enanthate in our store. The catalog contains a large selection of drugs for various purposes. We offer only high quality and original products from the USA. Start building your new body with high quality sports pharmacology!

3 reviews for EnaPrime

  1. Vicky

    My boyfriend is a bodybuilder and he is using this. We were amazed by the results he was able to receive while using it. We are both so happy with how great he looks now!

  2. Philip

    Nice product, dosed well.

  3. joseph

    This is an awesome product by Eminence Labs! Very effective.

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