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Home Masteron Testocyp (vial)

Testocyp (vial)

Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Package: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


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Testocyp (vial)

Manufacturer – Alpha Pharma

Release form – 10 ml vial, 250 mg/ml

Active ingredient - Testosterone Cypionate

Testocyp is a highly effective steroid drug from the pharmaceutical company Alpha Pharma. The main active ingredient of this remedy is Testosterone Cypionate. It was invented in the middle of the last century. For a long time, it was the only testosterone ester, until the 60s, when athletes began to show interest in steroids. Currently, the scope of use of the drug is limited exclusively to sports.

Features of the drug

The main feature of the drug is the duration of exposure to the body. Even taking into account the fact that the length of the side chain of Cypionate is somewhat longer than that of Enanthate, the time of action, as well as the mechanism of action itself, are also very similar. As athletes themselves note, this drug has very strong anabolic as well as androgenic activity.

It can be noted that the cost of this type of testosterone is also quite high, however, experienced athletes prefer this drug, because they know that it is of high quality, which guarantees excellent results.

Positive properties:

  • Effective growth of muscle mass;
  • Athletes become stronger, their level of endurance increases;
  • Improving the level of libido;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Increased motivation during training.

How to apply

Testosterone Cypionate is sold as an injection. Given the long-term effect on the athlete's body, this form of release is very convenient. The athlete does not need to do frequent injections, which completely eliminates the appearance of various bumps and bruises. In order to get the effect of the steroid, you only need to use it once a week. This application allows you to stably maintain a high hormonal background, which at the same time remains within the framework of safe indicators. The dosage is calculated individually for each athlete. For beginners who have no experience with steroids, it is best to start with a dosage of 250mg once a week. As for experienced athletes, the optimal value for them is 750mg per week.

Important! Increasing the acceptable dosage levels causes side effects.

The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 12 weeks. This applies exclusively to men. It is not recommended for women to use this drug at all.

Side effects

Like many other testosterone preparations, Testosterone Cypionate has some side effects. But there are not so many of them and they do not have the same power as in other cases.

Important! The negative effects of Testosterone Cypionate appear only with abuse of injections, increasing the dosage or lengthening the course.

It should also be noted that side effects can occur in athletes prone to certain medical conditions. When planning a course of Testosterone Cypionate, you should study its effect on the body in advance, calculate the side effects, as well as the process of the drug's effect on your body.

  • Estrogenic effects. The drug has a very high level of aromatization. This means that in male athletes, female hormones begin to be released in the body. This, in turn, can lead to severe edema, gynecomastia, fluid accumulation in the body. You can neutralize these effects. For this it is necessary to use anti-estrogen drugs.
  • Androgenic effects. High testosterone levels in men are not always good. Even this can lead to severe side effects. The negative effect is manifested in the form of acne, greasiness of the skin, increased or decreased hair growth. Sometimes, due to taking the drug, there is a decrease in the level of the body’s own testosterone. After the end of the course, the hormonal background of the athlete is normalized, and along with it, the side effects disappear.
  • Rollback. Excess water in the body is a real disaster for bodybuilders and weightlifters. After the end of the course and water leaving the body, the athlete can lose up to a third of the previously gained mass. With proper post-cycle therapy, these problems can be compensated for.

Combination with other drugs

It should be noted that this drug is quite good in combination courses. For an effective and high-quality set of muscles, it is recommended to use the drug together with Nandrolone. Another, no less popular, cycle is Cypionate together with Boldenone. In each of these cases, Testosterone Cypionate is calculated individually.


Mainly Testosterone Cypionate by Alpha Pharma receives positive feedback from athletes. The high efficiency of the drug makes it attractive for both beginners and already established athletes. Of course, it does not work instantly, but it is the best option for all athletes who have time to train. Most often, athletes give preference to Test Cyp between the competition period.

You can buy Testosterone Cypionate, as well as other effective anabolic drugs for mass gain (and other purposes) in our online store. We offer a wide range of products, so that every athlete will find a suitable option for themselves.

1 review for Testocyp (vial)

  1. Alfonso Benson

    Test cyp is brilliant for those longer cycles, 16-20 weeks and your getting some awesome results, providing its legit. thats what led me to testocyp by alpha pharma, i had to change brand so these were the ones and i can assure you i chose spot on. The cycle in had from this was great, overall all round great. i gained in total over 28 lbs of weight, strength up, libido solid and my phsique was looking nice! cant fault it.

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