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Home Oral Steroids Superdrol 10

Superdrol 10

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Methyl Drostanolone (Superdrol)
Package: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)


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Read more about Superdrol administration and effect can be found here.

7 reviews for Superdrol 10

  1. Brynmor Gotch

    Since the day I received my order from store, I’ve been taking 2 x 10 mg tablets per day and I can feel my strength increasing and my muscles becoming tight.

  2. René André

    I love how I put on 11 lbs with this stuff, but no water retention, just solid mass. I’ll definitely choose this over anadrol because it produces the best results for me.

  3. Pénélope Leclair

    After a few weeks of use, I noticed a significant increase in my body weight as well as in my strength. This is an excellent product.

  4. Dewi Evan

    I ran 4 tablets a day of this product for 9 days, 3 tabs per day for 7 days, I used 2 tabs a day for 2 weeks, and for the remainder of the cycle, I used 1 tab per day. I didn’t start using Superdrol until the start of the 4th week of my cycle. I did this because I wanted to test the time on how I am going to gain muscle every week right before using Superdrol. After some time, I realized that Superdrol keeps my estrogen down. I made this conclusion because right after stopping the usage of Superdrol, I developed gyno. I still continued using the test kit after stopping the usage of Superdrol. So far, I did not experience any side effects. I will be doing another cycle that consists Superdrol at 30 mg a day for 2 weeks, 20 mg for 3 weeks, and 10 mg a day for 9 days. I will let you guys know the results after my cycle.

  5. Arthfael Pembroke

    This is a really great product. I’ve been using this for a few weeks and I ran this three times. I really like how it made me gain 10 lbs of pure muscle right after using it for a few weeks. In the first week, I’ve been using 10 mg per day and increased it to 20 mg the week after and continued until the 4th week. I tried increasing the dosage at 30 mg but the cramps were so bad I had to stay at 20 mg. I will definitely buy this again.

  6. Reynold Lefebvre

    This was used as a replacement for Dbol, but it produced even better results. I’ve tried a lot of different brands, but this is by far the best.

  7. Eiluned Poyner

    Even though the price was cheap, the quality can’t be questioned. I used this with Test CYP and I could have put on at least 20-25 lbs of muscle mass with a healthy lifestyle. I don’t have that lifestyle but I still gained a lot. This is the routine I did to make sure the product works. I believe that the time that you are ON is also the time that you should spend OFF. I ran Test CYP for 8 weeks and after that I stopped using it and used Letrozole for 2 weeks. During week 1 and 2 I injected 1 dose of Test CYP every week along with 1 pill of another product. During week 3 to 8 I consumed 2 pills and maintained the dosage of Test CYP. After those 3 weeks I was able to see a gain in muscle mass and increase in strength during 5-8 weeks of use. All in all I gained a total of 24 lbs. During my workut routine I was able to add 30 to 55 lbs of weight in my equipment. I would like to thank store and Dragon Pharma for giving me such good products. I will definitely be back for more soon.

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