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Cut Mix 150

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Trenbolone acetate, Drostanolone propionate, Testosterone propionate
Package: 10ml vial (150 mg/ml)


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Cut Mix 150

Manufacturer – Dragon Pharma

Release form – 10 ml vial, 150 mg/ml

Active ingredient - Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate and Drostanolone Propionate.


Cut Mix 150 is a steroid mixture created by Dragon Pharma. The main active ingredients are short esters of Trenbolone, Drostanolone and Testosterone. These three steroids act quickly after being injected into the body. The mixture of Tren Acetate, Drostanolone Propionate and Test Propionate ensures the steroid has strong anabolic and androgenic properties and that it is mostly used in drying cycles to create lean muscle mass and define muscles.

Effects of Cut Mix 150

The drug is recommended to be taken by athletes with experience in taking steroids. The effects from a properly executed cycle of this steroid mix are:

  • Accelerated muscle growth;
  • Reduction of fatty deposits quickly;
  • Increase in strength performance;
  • Enhanced libido;
  • Improved appetite;
  • Motivation and decrease in fatigue.

Rules for use

The dosage and duration of the cycle should be dependent on the individual characteristics of the user. Although, on average, the dosage is from 150-300mg per week and the duration of the cycle lasts for 6-8 weeks.

A solo cycle of Cut Mix 150 will provide sufficient results, however, a combination with Turinabol, Methenolone or Oxandrolone, can enhance the effects.

It is necessary to take PCT after a cycle of Cut Mix 150 that lasts 3 weeks and should include such drugs as Tamoxifen or Clomid, as well as Testosterone boosters, Vitamins and Minerals to increase recovery processes after the cycle.

Side effects

There are some side effects associated with Cut Mix 150. It may cause some androgenic and progestogenic side effects such as:

  • Acne
  • Insomnia
  • Aggression
  • Suppressed testosterone production
  • Gynecomastia, etc.

Cabergoline can minimize or completely eliminate the effects of progestogen side reactions. Proviron and Gonadotropin can also be used to avoid side effects.

8 reviews for Cut Mix 150

  1. Nathaniel Brown

    This product is amazing. I am 43 years old and just after a couple hours, my muscles hardened. The Cut Mix 150 gave me the attitude of a 20-ish alpha male but patience of a mature 40’s man. Furthermore, my sexual appetite is insatiable, and it has enhanced my overall sense of well-being. I’ll rate this 5 stars since I got what I desired, however, I experienced ED as the side effect from using this but nonetheless, store has medication for that as well.

  2. Adam Sunder

    By the time I bought this product from store, it instantly became my favorite. I got leaner, stronger and more energetic by using 3 compounds in one. I achieved my desired results with the aid of this product. This combo is great and store is a top company.

  3. Zick John Howrds

    The cut mix from store is commendable. I used it for six weeks, incorporating it with 1mL EOD. The results were phenomenal, even without clean a diet. With minimal cardio I already reduced 6% of body fat and my physique looks great after the cycle. I am now stacked with 250 test cyp in 1 week.

  4. Micheal Angelo

    I bought 1 ml of EOD through store’s website. It has very mild side affects and can be felt immediately, but nevertheless it improved my body. With my previous product, I had been using it in conjunction with long ester. But when comparing the results with store’s products, the old combination doesn’t even come close to this cut mix! I highly recommend this.

  5. Johnson Beatrix

    The products from store are incredible. I first used this product during my cycle and combined it with the test. I was astounded by the results! I already ordered store’s product for my next cycle.

  6. Patrick Star

    I used a similar mix to’s products from a different company beforehand, but then I decided to try this product since the former company is no longer with’s. I had mild side effects after a few injections, however, after using this I never felt tired after getting a pump on. I will update effects after using this more long term.

  7. Niccolo Mean

    After placing my order I got my package just after a few weeks. Took a shot and I noticed that there is just a little pain from the injection site. Still, way better than the other products I’ve used.

  8. Jerry Chua

    Ordered this product 2 weeks ago and I am impressed at the results yielded from store’s products . This is my fourth time ordering through store and I’ve decided to become a lifetime customer. Keep up the good work store!

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