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Subtotal: $80.30

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Manufacturer: Abbott Healthcare
Substance: Testosterone Suspension
Package: 12 ampoules (25mg/ml)


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Manufacturer - Abbott Healthcare

Release form – 6 ampoules, 25 mg/ml

Active substance – Testosterone Suspension

Aquaviron is very popular today, although it is considered a new drug in the market of sport nutrition and anabolic drugs, it has become very popular in a sort space of time. It has a fairly powerful impact, which has an exceptionally positive effect on the athlete, increasing their muscle mass and enhancing the performance within their sport. Both a professional athlete and a beginner in this field can buy Aquaviron, it will have a positive effect on both a trained and untrained body.

What is Aquaviron?

Aquaviron is considered a modern injection drug, which has gained its popularity and demand not so long ago. This drug appears on the market only recently, and already has many positive reviews. Athletes and bodybuilders massively use this drug, and classify that it is a fairly strong and effective remedy. The drug is a suspension version of testosterone, but it begins to act a little earlier.

It is also worth noting that injections of the drug are considered quite painful and have a very short half-life. Often, athletes take this drug on the eve of competitions, because it is very quickly eliminated from the body. The injection itself is in working condition for only a few days, which is why many experts recommend carrying out such a procedure before competitions, this will ensure the maximum possible effects before the competition and without the added risk from doping tests. Reviews of Testosterone Suspension show that this is a fairly effective drug, that has only positive effects on the athlete's body.

The anabolic profile of Aquaviron

  • Optimal estrogenic activity;
  • Androgenic index of 100;
  • Little to zero effects on the livers health;
  • Fat-burning effects and the definition of muscles;
  • A good increase in muscle mass;
  • Increase in sports performances;
  • Increase in strength and power indicators;
  • The formation of spermatogenesis.

Method of intake and the dosage of Aquaviron

To avoid the formation of various side effects, it is necessary to know exactly the correct dose of the drug and the course of administration. The course of taking Aquaviron itself lasts for five weeks in length, taking into account the fact that the daily dosage ranges from 20-100mg per day. If you need a longer intake of the drug, then you should take gonadotropins such as HCG to prevent any negative side effects. The price of Aquaviron allows it to be purchased by any athlete who has decided to connect his life with bodybuilding. Very often, Aquaviron is taken in combination with other drugs to reduce pain during injection, experts recommend using Novocaine and lidocaine, but these are medical anesthetic drugs, so they may be hard to get hold of for the average user. To produce instant muscle mass gaining effects due to its rapid release time, which is instant due to its being a water based solution, many users jump at this substance for the instant power gain that is felt. 

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) after Aquaviron

From the very first day, experts recommend using Tamoxifen and Proviron, which can affect the rapid effects of this drug in order to create the desired amount of muscle mass for a person. All of this can be achieved only if you regularly train in the gym, and you have consistent and effective high-quality training programs to follow. It is also worth noting that PCT is important, but mainly for professional athletes and not for bodybuilding amateurs, due to the short time that they will spend using this quick acting substance.


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