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Subtotal: $639.10

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Manufacturer: Maxtreme Pharma
Substance: NPP
Package: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)


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Manufacturer – Maxtreme Pharma

Release form – 10 ampoules, 100 mg/ml

Active substance – Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP

N-Lone-100 is a steroid whose anabolic activity is at a fairly high level, but despite this, the androgenic activity of the drug is twice as strong. The action of the drug is based on Nandrolone with an added Phenylpropionate ester. NPP was first released for sale more than 60 years ago, this is where this drug quickly gained its popularity. Since that time, nothing has changed, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is also effective and also loved by many athletes and bodybuilders for its great benefits. The popularity of the drug is also due to the popularity of the company that produces it. We are talking about the Singaporean Maxtreme Pharma.

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Effects of NPP

The drug has the following effects:

  • Increase in endurance indicators, as well as strength indicators;
  • If you take the drug together with Turinabol, muscle growth will be much faster;
  • The body accumulates water, which performs the function of protecting the ligaments and joints;
  • With a normal hormonal background, the level of sexual activity increases.

How to use

The athlete must understand that a violation of the recommendations for its use and an increase in dosage can lead to negative side effects. Among these effects, include a decrease in libido. Therefore, it is recommended to take this drug together with Testosterone. The weekly dosage is 200 to 400 milligrams. If the athlete independently changes the dosage and uses more than 600 milligrams per week, these side effects are unlikely to be avoided. Injections must be done every 3-4 days. Experts strongly recommend controlling the prolactin levels while taking the drug. In case of deviation from the norm, NPP is taken together with Cabergoline. The duration of the course should not exceed 8 weeks.

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Side effects

  1. Gynecomastia;
  2. Puffiness;
  3. Decreased libido;
  4. Increased blood pressure.

Note that this anabolic is recommended for use only by experienced athletes.


NPP is a highly effective drug. Its consumers say that the growth of muscle mass is slow, but it is characterized by the high quality of the muscle mass. It also has a beneficial effect on the joints and ligaments. You can buy original Nandrolone Phenylpropionate by Maxtreme Pharma at a reasonable price here at

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1 review for N-Lone-100

  1. Shawn Jennings

    i like NPP as this compound doesnt have that high of a androgenic effect so more severe side effects from estrogen are lower which for me is great, ive had gyno sides before etc and yeah its annoying to say the least but with NPP i didnt have this.N-lone is quality i must say as the resukts have been second to noen, its my first time using maxtreme as a brand and i am impressed fully from start to finish.

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