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Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Exemestane
Package: 25mg (30 pills)


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Manufacturer – Alpha Pharma

Release form – 30 tablets, 25mg

Active ingredient – Exemestane

Exemestane is an aromatase inhibitor of the third type (class 1 AI), which allows you to remove side effects after active steroid courses. In our pharmacy, everyone can buy a drug from the best manufacturers at an affordable price. This includes the original Exemestane also known as “Aromasin” or by its drug generic name “Aromex”.

Properties and effects

It is one of the most popular aromatase inhibitors on the market today. This drug is actively used as a preventative drug and is usually run alongside anabolics such as testosterone. Unlike standard anabolic drugs, this substance is available in pill form, which greatly facilitates its use on the cycle.

Initially, this component was synthesized to fight breast cancer. Within a few years, professional athletes began to take it as an anti-estrogen drug due to its effectiveness and benefits.

While taking Aromasin you can achieve:

  • The elimination of edema fluid;
  • The elimination of gynecomastia;
  • Full muscle preservations;
  • Increased muscle definition;
  • Aromatase leveling;
  • Increase in strength indicators.

Anabolic steroids have been banned for use since 1976 in sports. They are quite easy to identify during doping control test, but at the same time a considerable number of bodybuilders use them for intensive muscle mass building.

Currently, these drugs are widely used in medical practice, but their use by athletes is considered illegal in some countries and competitions.

When choosing between Exemestane or Letrozole, it is important to take into account the cost of drugs. Letrozole is on average twice as expensive, but no less efficient in its terms of action from preventing the estrogen binding.

Methods of intake

The rules for taking this drug are:

  • The duration of the cycle should not exceed two months;
  • In bodybuilding, the beginner dosage is 12.5mg per day;
  • The optimal dosage for the advanced is considered to be 25mg per day;
  • The drug is used until the signs of aromatase completely disappear;
  • If side effects occur, you should not abruptly stop taking the pills;
  • You should not use more than 300mg of the drug per week;
  • In combination with steroids, it is recommended to take 12.5mg with the injections, but this is dependent on the steroids used;
  • Constant physical activity is required to maintain the full effects.

As a PCT, it can be used both independently and in combination with Clomid at minimum dosages.

It is important to note that when taking pills, you must thoroughly follow the instructions. Thus, it will be possible to avoid side effects and negative effects on the hormonal system.

For women, the use of Exemestane is not recommended because of the serious impact on the level of the estrogen production. The exception is for the ladies who have been using aromatizing steroids for a long time. In such a situation, it is recommended to choose the minimum dosages and take the drug for no more than 2 weeks in duration.

Best courses

Aromatase inhibitors can be used both as a PCT and on a cycle in combination with anabolic steroids to improve their effectiveness and help to prevent or reverse occurring estrogenic side effects.

This is especially true for such steroids as Nandrolone, Testosterone, Dianabol and so on. Boldenone and its derivatives are not needed in combination with Exemestane, due to their low level of aromatization.

During the courses, the dosage and duration of use of the inhibitor depends only on the dosages of steroids. You cannot include it in the cycle without a doctor's or sport specialist’s advice, since side effects can be possible.

It is also important to take into account that the long-term use of such a component can affect the hormonal system, so it is recommended to take hormone tests from time to time during the course.

Side effects

When choosing an inhibitor, athletes often cannot choose between Exemestane or Anastrozole. The first drug has significantly fewer side effects, which is a big advantage of it, but, Exemestane stops the whole process of aromatization now just stopping the estrogen from binding, so this should be kept in mind when selecting your desired AI.

The most common side effects are:

  • Headaches;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Mood swings;
  • Impact on the hormonal system;
  • Reduction of the level of your own estrogen;
  • An allergic reaction.

Basically, all of these negative effects occur due to the improper use or the abuse of this drug. Users who take this substance correctly hardly report any occurring side effects from is use.


The drug itself is a component for post-course therapy, therefore, it is not necessary to recover after taking it.

Important: In case of prolonged use, it is recommended only to check the hormone levels within the body, as Exemestane is a class 1 inhibitor and will completely reduce the amount of estrogen within the body by 98% and this change one complete, is irreversible.


Numerous positive reviews speak better than any descriptions of the drug. It makes it possible to avoid negative androgenic effects on the male body with the prolonged use of steroids, and also allows you to improve the anabolic properties of the steroid cycles themselves.

In the United States, it is mandatory among professional bodybuilders, athletes and amateur sportsmen to use Aromasin within their cycles. As long as you understand the differences of this drug and the powerful effects that it can provide, this substance can be a savior for many athletes and bodybuilders within their cycles or PCT.

Here at, we only stock original Aromex. Its validity can be verified through via the Alpha Pharma website to check that your product is fully genuine and legit. We pride ourselves in refusing to stock or deal with any low quality products, just high quality products that come straight from the main manufacturer!

2 reviews for Aromex

  1. Morley Pearson

    I love how has literally everything you need for a cycle. I’m prone to gyno so I usually need an AI in my cycle. Aromex is the best in my opinion, I’ve never had any problems with gyno when I’ve taken it. Some poeple say it is too strong being a type 1, but for me this Alpha Aromex is one of the only products that is effective and does what I need it to, this shows their ALpha brand is legit Alpha. Top rated guys in my books.

  2. John Dawson

    My first experience with surprisingly was really good and everything went smooth. I ordered from them after a friend recommended that I should try them. I bought aromex for my cycles and it was delivered straight to my door and worked very effectively.

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