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Subtotal: $50.60

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Manufacturer: Phoenix Remedies
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10ml vial (375mg/ml)


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Manufacturer – Phoenix Remedies

Release form – 10 ampoules, 375 mg/ml

Active ingredient – Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin)

Nandrobol is the name of a steroid preparation by the company Phoenix Remedies, which contains the active substance Nandrolone Decanoate. This substance is found in many preparations, and when mentioned, every athlete thinks immediately of Deca Durabolin. Deca-Durabolin is the most common and most used injectable steroid. Addiction to it is explained by the various possibilities of its application and positive results.

Properties and Effects

The main quality of the Deca is clearly described by its good anabolic effect and its positive nitrogen balance. Nitrogen in a bound state is an integral part of the protein. Deca Durabolin causes muscle cells to store more nitrogen than they release, leading to a positive nitrogen balance. A positive nitrogen balance equates to muscle growth because the muscle cell in this phase accumulates more protein than usual. There will be a positive nitrogen balance and, along with it, a good effect of protein production with a sufficient intake of calories and proteins. The strong anabolic action of Deca Durabolin combined with a small androgenic component, provides good gains in muscle mass and strength. At the same time, most athletes have a noticeable accumulation of water in the body, which is not as strong as when taking injectable testosterones, but still leads in high dosages to an elastic and watery appearance. Because Deca accumulates water in the connective tissue, then this drug can relieve or completely eliminate joint pain. Therefore, athletes suffering from pain in the shoulders, elbows, knees can exercise painlessly while taking Deca Durabolin. Another advantage is that Deca blocks the cortisol receptors and, as a result, less of it gets to muscle cells and connective tissue cells. Athletes use Deca-Durabolin to build muscle mass and in preparation for a competition.


The optimal dosage here is somewhere between 200mg and 400mg per week. Scientific studies have shown that the best results are achieved with 4mg of the drug per 1kg of body weight per week. Anyone who chooses a dosage of less than 200mg per week will feel only a very weak anabolic effect, which increases significantly with increasing doses. Those who choose a dose over 600mg per week shift the ratio of positive-negative effects towards side effects. In addition, 1000mg per week will not yield better results than 600mg. Steroid beginners should be content with a dose of 200 mg per week.

Combined cycles

For building muscle, Deca is very well combined with Dianabol and Testosterone. The famous Dianabol-Deca combination provides fast and strong muscle gains. Most athletes generally take 20-40mg of Dianabol per day and 200-400mg of Deca per week. Even faster results are achieved with 400mg Deca per week and 500mg of Sustanon per week. Athletes report tremendous gains in muscle and strength when taking 400mg Deca per week, 500mg Sustanon per week and 30mg Dianabol per day. Deca is a good base steroid that can be combined with many other steroids to build muscle.

Side effects

In general, side effects such as decreased libido, decreased testosterone levels, fluid retention and gynecomastia (only when using high or high doses of steroid) can be attributed to possible side effects.


Overall Deca reviews note that the steroid is good for building muscle mass since it promotes protein synthesis and at the same time beneficially affects the retention of water in the body.



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